Ogre and Goblins

Our first review in the Warriors of Eberron set (Dungeons and Dragons Wave 2) is on the pack Ogre and Goblins!  In this pack comes 1 uncommon ogre hero and 1 common squad.

Ogre Warhulk

Ogre Warhulk cost 150 points for a wild ogre hero.  Its ability Flail Hurricane is quite interesting.  The Warhulk must roll a 20-sided die after every movement before attacking.  If rolled 11 or lower he attacks normally but if rolled higher he must attack ALL adjacent figures.  This includes friendly figures!  That is why I think this ability is interesting.  You most likely will use Flail Hurricane against your opponents.  Maybe down the road there will be a custom figure that does a unique ability that benefits your friendly figures if killed.  But for now you will want to have all friendly figures to not be adjacent to an Ogre Warhulk.

His other ability Mine! fits towards the ogre's character.  Ogre's in D&D lore are naturally clumsy so having a -4 to trap rolls on a treasure glyph seems appropiate.

I kind of like Ogre Warhulk.  He is situational and Flail Hurricane is a good ability and Mine! is actually a bad ability.  Base stats are good but his 150 point cost is what hurts.  There are far better 150 point characters out there and so I give Ogre Warhulk a figure rating of a C.

Goblin Cutters

Goblin Cutters cost 50 points for 4 small goblins.  These guys are a neat squad with 2 great abilities.  This is another squad that you will want to own a multitude of.  Their ability Mob Attack subtracts 2 defense dice to an opposing figure's defense if the Goblin Cutter has 2 other Cutters adjacent to said figure.  The Scurry ability lets 2 Cutters move up to 4 spaces and hit zones invisible to your oppenent's figures after a Cutter is destroyed.  This ability is similar to the Deathreavers Scatter ability except better!  And their final ability Scale adds 2 to height value when moving up or down terrain.

Any squad with 3 abilities is a good squad.  I personally think Goblin Cutters is a great squad and will work well just like how Deathreavers did.  But you must have more than 1 squad of Cutters in your army to make their abilities effective.  This is a solid squad and so I give them a figure rating of an A.

Belt of Giant Strength

Belt of Giant Strength is a temporary treasure glyph that gives a hero +2 attack value to its normal attack.  But since it is temporary it will be discarded after being used.  I like this treasure glyph.  It is solid but being a temporary glyph I wouldn't see this being too powerful, which is a good thing.  Overall, I give Belt of Giant Strength a glyph rating of a B.


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