Bugbears and Orcs

In the latest and last Heroscape set comes our first review of  the pack, Bugbears and Orcs from the Dungeons and Dragons Wave 3 Set titled Moltenclaw Invasion. This pack comes with 2 squads and 1 treasure glyph.

Horned Skull Brutes

Horned Skull Brutes cost 75 points for 3 merciless goblins.  This squad works well with other squads escpecially Goblin Cutters because of their ability Expendable Rabble.  If a Brute recieves 1 or more wounds from a normal attack then you may sacrifice an adjacent small gobin figure to ignore all incoming wounds.  This is great way to keep your brutes alive longer if you need to.  Barge Into Battle can let a Brute switch spaces with an engaged small or friendly figure after its movement and unengaged.  This could be a tricky tactic you can use if you want to sacrifice your Brute instead of the other figure.

These guys are situational and also run on a theme of goblins.  Too bad there won't be any more new Heroscape sets because I am sure WOTC was planning to make more small goblins.  So all you can run for Expendable Rabble to work is Goblin Cutters.  Barge Into Battle is a more versatile ability.  I really like this ability and hope to use it in my games against my opponents.  Overall, I give Horned Skull Brutes a figure rating of a C.

Death Chasters of Thesk

Death Chasters of Thesk is the other squad.  They cost 55 points for 3 wild orcs.  Their first ability, Taskmaster Bonding allows a large wild hero you control to take a free turn before Death Chasers of Thesk take their turn.  There are many large wild heroes to chose from like Ogre Warhulk.  The second ability, Orc Battle Rush can let the Death Chasers of Thesk move up to 5 spaces each before the start of the game but after all order markers are placed.  This can let you blitz your opponent or obtain a glyph that might be placed somewhere in the middle of the map.

These guys aren't bad.  They are definitely useful for a blitz tactic but their base movement is 5.  So if you aren't going to do anything at the start of the game, then Orc Battle Rush is a wasted ability.  Taskmaster Bonding is a better ability as it allows you to build your army based off wild heroes.  Overall, I give Death Chasers of Thesk a figure rating of a C.

Giant Hunter Stone

Giant Hunter Stone is the permanent treasure glyph that comes with the pack.  It allows the hero that carries it to get 1 additional die to an attack or defense when rolling against a large or huge figure.  Not the best treasure glyph and not the worst.  It all depends on your opponents army.  If he does carry a lot of large and huge figures then, of course, it is good.  But no one will really know exactly what treasure glyphs will be in the game unless each player gets to choose them.  Overall, I will give Giant Hunter Stone a glyph rating of a C.


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