Heroscape Review: Heroes of Fallcrest

In the latest and last Heroscape set comes our final review of the pack, Heroes of Fallcrest from the Dungeons and Dragons Wave 3 Set titled Moltenclaw's Invasion. This pack comes with 4 unique heroes and 1 treasure glyph.

Evar Scarcarver

Evar Scarcarver is an interesting figure to say the least.  His base stats are pretty weak for a 110 point figure.  But his abilities make up for it. 

Double Assault pretty much gives him a free attack on any figure or even a destructible object.  He also has Frost Rage, which adds 1 attack and defense value per wound on his army card.  But only after revealing an "X" order marker while revealing a regular order marker at the start of his turn.  This adds synergy to his Double Assault attack if used properly.

Overall, I think Evar Scarcarver is a good but difficult figure to play.  You got to watch his life total to take Frost Rage with Double Assault for its full advantage.  But his base attack value is 2 which will make it harder for Frost Rage to go through.  And 3 defense is weak for a figure costing over 100 points.  So that is why I am giving him a respected figure rating of a B.


Siege is a pretty cool figure for only having one ability.  At 120 points his base stats are good.  His Crag of Steel ability behaves like Evar Scarcarver's Frost Rage ability by having it activitated after revealing an "X" order marker aside the regular order marker.  Once it is activitated he adds 3 to his defense value but loses 2 attack and movement.  But he will also be able to attack any number of figures adjacent to him.  This seems passive aggressive and is kind of confusing.  Either way, you can use Crag of Steel as a defensive maneuver or an offensive "area of effect" attack.

Overall, Siege is pretty good with his strong base stats, but his ability, Crag of Steel, is kind of weak.  And he costs 120 points to play, which isn't good for a figure with 1 decent ability.  Siege isn't that great but can be playable so he will get a figure rating of a B.


The base stats are alright for 140 points, but Eltahale comes with some unique abilities.  With 1 range and 4 attack, Thunder Ram Assault Special Attack lets you choose 1 figure and the attack also affects all other figures adjacent to that targeted figure.  But she can't use this special attack if she used Thunder Step and adjacent to an opposing figure.  This is a very interesting special attack that is tricky to play.

Thunder Step lets you move Eltahale adjacent to an opposing figure within 5 clear sight spaces instead of moving.  She ignores all leaving engagement attacks and adds 1 attack value.  But you must roll 1 die at the end of turn.  If you land on a skull then she recieves 1 wound.  This is another interesting ability that is also difficult to play.

Eltahale is a costly and hard figure to play.  Her special abilities make you think because they both have drawbacks.  This is why I don't really like Eltahale and at 140 points makes her a very hard choice to put in your army.  So she will recieve a figure rating of a C.


A smaller dragon, Moltenclaw cost 170 points.  Her base stats are pretty weak for the cost especially in defense.  but she comes with 3 special abilities: Burning Breath Special Attack, Lava Resistant, and Flying.

Lava Resistant and Flying are pretty self explanatory.  Burning Breath Special Attack on the other hand is a little more complicated.  It has a 4 + Range and Special Attack of 4.  You choose 1 figure to target for the attack and then you choose 4 spaces within a straight line from the targeted figure.  Any figures within those 4 chosen spaces are also affected by the attack.  Each figure must roll their defense seperately while Moltenclasw only rolls her attack once.  But do not forget that this attack can affect friendly figures too!

Moltenclaw has a good special attack but at 3 defense and 170 points makes her a bad investment towards your army.  There are other better figures to choose around that point value (Major Q9 and Nilfhiem).  So she will get a figure rating of a C.

Revenant's Tome
This is a really cool glyph.  Before taking the figure's turn you may choose a previously destroyed figure and place it within 5 clear sight spaces from the figure summoning it.  That figure immediately makes a normal attack then is destroyed afterward.  The figure can not make any movement, special attacks, and has a life value of 1.  Then after the figure is destroyed the glyph is discarded.

Very interesting to say the least.  And can prove to be useful in those close situations where you'll need that extra normal attack.  I really like this glyph so it is getting a glyph rating of an A.


Anonymous said...

Motlenclaw is a "he". If you look closely you will noticed that his rank/class is "prince" not "princess". So this dragon is male.

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