Heroscape Review: Icewind Scourge

In the latest and last Heroscape set comes our third review of the pack, Icewind Scourge from the Dungeons and Dragons Wave 3 Set titled Moltenclaw's Invasion. This pack comes with 3 uncommon heroes and 1 treasure glyph.

Ice Troll Berserker

Ice Troll Berserker cost 85 points for a ferious beast with 2 good abilities.  Ice Troll Charge lets you roll a 20-sided die after moving and before attacking.  If you land on a 13 or higher he gets another free movement.  You can also add 3 to the die roll if he is on a snow or ice terrain.  This is a pretty good ability especially if you need him to engage an enemy or obtain a glyph.  +3 to the die roll is good and I think they added it to match with the figures name.

Cold Regeneration is like any Regeneration ability except it removes a total of 2 wounds at the end of turn if on a snow or ice terrain.  Like Ice Troll Charge, Cold Regeneration is a good ability that gets even better.

Ice Troll Berserker has a good attack but low defense.  His 4 life along with Cold Regeneration will keep him in the game longer especially if you are playing wtih snow/ice terrain.  I like Ice Troll Berserker but his abilities only do well in his own "environment."  And that is why he gets a figure rating of a B.

Master of the Hunt

At 140 points, Master of the Hunt comes with 2 offensive abilities.  After hitting your opponent's figure with a normal attack, you may use Mortal Strike.  For each wound inflicted you can roll 1 attack die again.  That figure does not roll defense and recieves 1 wound for each skull you land on.  This ability is alright, but not a Double Attack.

Javelin lets you roll a 20-sided die after moving and before attacking.  If you land on a 16 or higher add 3 range to Master of the Hunt until end of turn.  He already has a 6 range so with 3 more you will be able to hit many figures.  But with 16 or higher your chances are minimal.  In my opinion, this ability is weak especially with a 6 move and 4 range which is already good enough to hit most figures on the board.

Master of the Hunt doesn't look good on paper.  But he might get some big hits if played correctly.  Overall he does not make the cut.  That is why he will get a figure rating of a C.

Frost Giant of Morh

Frost Giant of Morh is a 140 point fealess giant with 3 nice abilities.  Indomitable will automatically give him an added boost.  If starting unengaged get +2 to his move.  If engaged then +2 to attack value.  This is really good because you'll get something everytime.

The second ability, Battle Frenzy is a much weaker version of Double Attack because you must land on a 16 or higher on the 20-sided die.  But, it's still decent, especially with a figure that has 3 total abilities.

The final ability, Dying Swipe is quite interesting.  Once Frost Giant of Morh is destroyed by a normal attack roll 3 attack dice.  For each skull rolled all adjacent figures automatically recieve a wound without rolling defense.  This is a very powerful ability especially if he is getting ganked by many enemy figures.

Overall I like Frost Giant of Morh.  He is solid but not great.  If Battle Frenzy was a Double Attack instead, then I would love him.  But I guess they wanted to add a little variety to his ability to match his character.  That is why he will recieve a figure rating of a B.

Oceanstrider Amulet

Oceanstrider Amulet is a permanent glyph that enables the figure to continue its regular movement through water spaces.  Nothing overpowered with this glyph.  It might prove to be tactical in water heavy maps, but other than that this glyph sucks.  So that is why Oceanstrider Amulet will recieve a glyph rating of a C.


Anonymous said...

I'm impressed by the quality of these videos. Even if there was no review and it was just a straight reading of the card, I would still watch them.

I know Heroscape was discontinued, but I don't care ... please do more of these. :)

If you have nothing else to do on 10/15/11, you could go to the Tree Town Open VII at Waldorf College in Forest City, IA and shoot some video of 60+ people playing Heroscape. ;)

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