I own a lot of apps especially games. In this article I am going to review 3 board game apps that you may want to play on the iPhone.
Catan (Settlers of Catan)

For $5.00 this app ain't bad. The A.I. isn't smart enough to give you a challenge which makes solo boring. Since it is a "pass and play" game, you can't see the board and your cards when it's not your turn when playing against your friends. This could make for a longer game than the actual board game. There are no other playing options other than to play the game normally. So that is why Catan deserves an app rating of a D.
Knights of Charlemagne

Overall, Knights of Charlemagne is a great game for its $2.00 price. Go buy it if you like the board game! But you can't play against online so your only options are the A.I. or the "pass and play" method with your friends. Knights of Charlemagne is worth every penny you spend but still has some minor issues with A.I. and "pass and play" so it gets an app rating of a B.

Overall, Carcassonne is a great app. There is another option to play called Solitaire which is quite fun. The game play is very nice and easy to understand especially if you have played the game. I really like Carcassonne especially for $5.00 but at $10.00 it is expensive so that is why it will get an app rating of a B.
Here is the link to the official app page of the Carcassonne game.
All 3 apps are fun but won't be what you might expect them to be. The real board games are still better than these apps. The best feature these apps have is to teach new players how to play the game or to work on your skills. It is your choice whether you want to spend your money but I'd say all 3 can be worth it.
Would also like to add Iphone has Kingsburg and Ipad has all of these in HD plus Small World and Neuroshima Hex
Thanks for the info. I'll check them out.
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