Veterans of the Last War

The second review of the Warriors of Eberoon set is on the pack Veterans of the Last War.  This pack is 1 of 4 packs of the Dungeons and Dragons Wave 3 series of Heroscape.  It contains 2 uncommon heroes and 1 common squad.

Werewolf Lord

Werewolf Lord is a 140 point uncommon hero.  His base stats are good which is always a factor for high costing figures.  At the beginning of the game, Werewolf Lord adds 3 Lycanthropy Markers to its army card.  The Lycanthropy ability can add a Lycanthropy Marker to an opponent's unique hero after recieving 1 or more wounds from Werewolf Lord.  Then the figure changes its species to Hybrid, class to Hunter, and personality to Tormented.  The Moon Frenzy ability lets the Werewolf Lord roll a 20-sided die before taking its turn.  If rolled on an 11 or higher you make take a turn with an opponent's hybrid hero.  Then after its turn take the Werewolf Lord's turn normally.

At 140 points Werewolf Lord is good but not great.  I really don't see muliple Werewolf's being used in an army because of his high point cost.  But it is quite possible to run mulitple Werewolves.  His Lycanthropy ability along with Moon Frenzy is solid.  He might prove to be strong with Death Knights of Valkrill because of his Relentless personality.  Overall, Werewolf Lord gets a figure rating of a B.

Mindflayer Mastermind

Mindflayer Mastermind is a 100 point uncommon hero.  His base stats are very good and abilities are even better.  His Psionic Blast Special Attack has a 3 range and 3 attack value.  He does not need line of sight to use this ability and when the figure recieves 1 or more wounds it must remove 1 unrevealed order marker at random from its card.  At the end of its turn you may use the Mindflayer's Enslave 17 ability.   This ability allows you to choose an opponent's figure within 4 clear sight spaces and roll a 20-sided die.  On a 17 or higher you may take a turn with that figure then return all order marker's back to the figure's army card.

Mindflayer Mastermind is a solid figure.  Base stats are good and abilities great.  At 100 points I see him in many different types of armies.  Psionic Blast Special Attack is a great situational type of tactic and you can always have the chance to control an opponent's figure at the end of every turn.  That is why I am giving Mindflayer Mastermind a figure rating of an A.

Warforged Soldiers

Warforged Soldiers is an 80 point common squad with 2 abilities.  Their first ability, Tactical Switch allows an engaged Soldier to switch spaces with an opponent's figure before making an attack.  Neither figures recieve any leaving engagement attacks or take damage from fall.  A figure cannot be switched more than once per turn.  Their second ability, Warforged Resolve adds 1 defense to the Soldier when defending against a normal or special attack.
I really like Warforged Soldiers.  Tactical Switch is really, well, tactical.  It can be used for many different scenarios.  I mostly see it used to mess your opponents strategy or to make your other figures within range to attack.  Warforged Resolve is assurance for the Soldiers especially when they have only 2 defense.  Overall, Warforged Soldiers is solid and so they get a figure rating of a B.

Cloak of Invisibility

Cloak of Invisibility is a temporary glyph that allows a hero to use it at any time during its turn.  When used the figure recieves no visible hitzones for the duration of the round or until it attacks.  Then the glyph is discarded.  This is a good glyph if you are targeting a specific figure you need to get in range to attack without being attacked or to escape your opponent's range safely.  But since it is temporary Cloak of Invisibility gets a glyph rating of a B.


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading your comments, however, I have to offer a correction. The Werewolf Lord's Moon Frenzy ability definitely DOES affect unique heroes. It's a little confusing, but it's important to note that uncommons are treated as uniques in every way except for the fact that you can include multiples in your army (and must place your turn markers on their cards separately).

The following quote is from page 15 of the Battle for the Underdark rulebook:

"Besides that one difference, Uncommon Army Cards are treated exactly the same as Unique Army Cards for all other rules and special powers on all Army Cards and Glyphs."

Anonymous said...

Of course, I meant to clarify that Moon Frenzy affects UNCOMMON heroes. Didn't mean to add to the confusion. :-P

Unknown said...

Okay, I didn't know that. Thanks for the correction.

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